TENANT INSTRUCTIONSAll general maintenance must be reported to our office in writing. In order for a repair to be attended to, please complete this form and fax, post, email or deliver to our office. In the event of an emergency repair, contact our office immediately! Once we have received the request, either our office or a tradesperson will contact you. Date MM slash DD slash YYYY Time : Hours Minutes AM PM AM/PM Address* Street Address City ZIP / Postal Code ConcernACCESS DETAILSTenant Name(s)* First Last Phone Home*WorkMobileAccess to property Take office key Tenant will be home Tenant preferred time and date Tenant authorises entry Yes I hereby authorise your office and/or the tradespeople to enter the property with the keys in order to carry out the repair or view the repairIf the repair relates to any of the following appliances, please list the make and modelStove Oven Dryer Dishwasher Hot Water Service Washing Machine Microwave Fridge Air Conditioning Gas Electric Δ